Email a Screen Shot via Microsoft Windows 7 Paint

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Email a Screen Shot via Microsoft Windows 7 Paint

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While the screen and / or messages are displayed on your screen, press the <Print Screen> key on your keyboard. Click on the Start icon of your Windows Desktop and select ‘Paint’ from the list.



If ‘Paint’ is not displayed in this list - click on ‘All Programs’ on the Start menu and then dbl-click on the “Accessories” folder and then select ‘Paint’ from the list.



The Paint window open – Click on the Paste icon and select ‘Paste’ from the list.



To send the screen shot, click on the icon circled below and select “Send in e-mail” option form the list.



An email opens with the screen shot as an attachment. Address the email to   and send.



Last Revised: 31/08/2012 SJ