Supply and Sell a product between Divisions/Warehouses

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Supply and Sell a product between Divisions/Warehouses

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This procedure explains how to supply and sell a product between company divisions/warehouses. To use this feature the user will need to:


Have the Warehouse option setup in ITMS, contact the iTMS Support Desk.
Create a Supplier record for Division 2
Create a Client record for Division 1
Create divisions for both Division 1 and 2

Please see ‘Warehouse/Division Feature Setup’ in this section for parameter and other settings essential for this feature.



Ensure the “Warehouse Transfer” box is ticked at the bottom left of the “More Info” tab in the ‘Supplier Details’ window.



Scenario: Division1 wants product that Division2 has in stock and Division 1 needs to pay for it.

Division 1 raises a Purchase Order as normal, using Division 2 as the Supplier.



Division 2 creates a Client Order as normal using Division 1 as the client and Division 2 in the division field.



Division 2 saves the client order, despatches and invoices to Division 1 for payment.


Last Revised: 01/09/2011 SJ