Managing Employee Short term leave - All day event

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Managing Employee Short term leave - All day event

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This document describes how to record employee short-term leave for a whole day event. The leave is recorded by creating a 'Job Batch - Time Entry' on a daily basis utilising a Non-productive Part, Workcenters, a Production Orders and its Job Ticket. Please see 'Set-up Non-productive Works'.


When a Job Batch - Time Entry is required for a whole day event, go to the Personnel module, and then click on the ‘Job Batch-Time Entry’ icon. Enter the appropriate employee number or press <F2> and select the employee from the pop-up list and click OK, press <TAB> to generate the window. The window will automatically generate the date and the work times for the whole day - these may be edited if necessary. Click in the “Leave Type” field, press <F2> and select the type from the pop-up list and then click OK.



Click in the “Job No” field, press <F2> and select the non-productive job ticket from the list and click OK. Now in the WC field, press <F2> and select the appropriate non-productive workcenter from the pop-up list and click OK. The “Start and Finish” dates and the “Start” time field will be generated. If the non-productive time is for the whole day, enter the employees Work Finish time in the “Finish Time” field, enter the employee’s normal lunch break and then press <F9> to save the record.




Last Revised: 04/05/2012 SJ